Resources from FEMA for Seniors to Learn How to Prepare for Emergencies

Please review these resources to obtain information and tools to help seniors learn how to prepare for emergencies:

Operation Emergency Prepare – You can help your community prepare for an emergency with this how-to guide. It includes basic tips and several checklists. There’s also a short video that presents some basic tips and information about the project. (AARP)

Emergency Preparedness – Find best practices and resources to help you better prepare for all types of emergencies. You can get information for individuals as well as service providers and communities. (Department of Health and Human Services)

Seniors – Do you have anyone who will check in on you in an emergency? Every senior needs to create a personal support network for just this purpose. Check out seven important points you need to discuss and work out with your network. (American Red Cross)

Emergency Preparedness for Older Adults – Find tips and resources to help you or your caregivers prepare for emergencies. You can get tips on things like personal preparedness, medication, and pets. You can also learn about frauds and scams, and how to find general assistance. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Seniors and Disabled – Are you a senior or disabled and living in Delaware? If so, this site has information just for you. You can get preparedness tips and also sign up for the state’s Emergency Preparedness Voluntary Registry. The registry is used by emergency responders to help you in times of crisis. (Prepare Delaware)

Seniors – Learn some important things you need to consider before there’s an emergency. Learn safer ways to get federal benefits and how create a support network. You can also learn how to plan for medications and medical supplies as well as prepare emergency documents. (

Older Americans Downloadable Guides and Resources

Below are checklists, forms, guides, and tips you can download and use to help you prepare for emergencies and recover after:

Disaster Preparedness for Seniors by Seniors Guide (PDF, 2 MB) – Are you prepared for a disaster to hit right now? This booklet offers checklists and tips to help you get prepared. Learn the things you need to have, how to get information, and who to contact. (American Red Cross)

Just In Case – Emergency Readiness for Older Adults and Caregivers (PDF, 612 KB) – Download this guide to learn how to prepare for emergencies. There are checklists and resources that can help you. And forms for emergency contacts and current medications for your emergency kit. (Department of Health and Human Services)

Prepare for Emergencies Now: Information for Older Americans (PDF, 361 KB) – This brochure can help you learn and discuss the steps needed to prepare for disasters. Learn how to: Get a Kit, Make a Plan, and Be Informed. This small but information-packed brochure can be printed to keep or give away to other seniors. (FEMA)

Disaster Preparedness Guide for Elders (PDF, 3 MB) – Are you a senior living in Florida? This 24-page guide is filled with tips to help you prepare for disasters. You can find tips by disaster types, like hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes. And sections for seniors with special needs and on planning for pets. You can also find checklists, forms, and contacts for senior- and disaster-related services. (State of Florida)

Emergency Preparedness for Seniors (PDF, 285 KB) – Learn about preparedness with this fact sheet from Wisconsin Emergency Management. Learn how to create a support network of people who can check on and help you in an emergency. Find out how to plan for medications and medical supplies. You can also learn what documents you need in case of an emergency. (Ready Wisconsin)

Older Americans Videos

Watch this video for seniors and learn how to prepare for emergencies and stay safe:

FEMA for Seniors – Learn about this FEMA program specifically for seniors. Find out what you should have on hand in an emergency. And get information about how to prepare important documents and create an emergency plan. (FEMA)