Shade Tree Commission

The best way to reach Shade Tree is through email at :


Mission Statement:

The Haddon Heights Shade Tree Commission’s mission is to undertake a vigorous and comprehensive tree management program to enhance the quality of life within the borough through the maintenance of a healthy stock of curbside trees. This overall mission has many aspects:

  • Yearly planting of appropriate new trees in suitable curbside locations
  • Continuous removal of dead or dangerous trees from curbside locations
  • Steadily increasing the overall net shade canopy along the borough’s streets (that is, planting more young threes than removing old or diseased ones)
  • Participating in special events of a cultural or historic nature that relate to shade tree maintenance
  • Promoting public awareness of the health and economic benefits of tree-lined streets
  • Promoting coordination and cooperation among civic groups, borough government functions, and private citizens for the purpose of achieving the above tasks
  • Working closely with the Public Works Department, Borough Council liaison, and the mayor’s office in all activity planning
  • Formally reporting on an annual basis to borough government on the efforts and progress made in undertaking the objectives of this mission statement
  • On an annual basis, formally evaluating the effectiveness of the past year’s activities toward accomplishing the objectives of this mission statement
  • On an annual basis, formally proposing new measures to borough government to achieve these objectives of this mission statement



  • Tom Ottoson, Council Liaison
  • Mark Duffy
  • Bob Hunter
  • Carol Larro
  • Inge Lawyer
  • Michael Madden